
Welcome to Shape The Cube, we hope to find you well! Feel free to look around and see what we have to offer. Be sure to read everything below to ensure you know how to get whitelisted and what payment methods we accept for the store.

Shape The Cube is a community of players that act in a friendly and responsible manner, and who enjoy playing Minecraft. We aren’t just limited to Minecraft and will play other games such as:

  • Among Us
  • Phasmophobia - (We enjoy scaring MrPanda)
  • Rocket League (Rolly Ball if you talk to Alcmene) usually Bubbles plays this whilst drunk
  • Golf With Friends (Again Alcmene's favourite game even though she can't beat Bubbles even when he is drunk)
  • Along with other games as well.

We also have many members who enjoy streaming and we do support and try to help by giving them a streamer role while they're streaming, and broadcast them on the Shape The Cube Discord if they’re streaming on our servers.

So be sure to fill out the whitelist app and come on in and join the fun.

How To Get Whitelisted.

Our whitelisting process might seem rather involved at first, but in reality it’s a rather simple process that has been streamlined over the course of Shape The Cube’s operation, and is designed to ensure a safe and relaxing community. With under 10 griefs/thefts in our 4 years of operation, we are a community that takes pride in ensuring that our servers remain a peaceful and friendly experience for all of our members. Please follow these steps to get whitelisted:

  • Read our rules here: Rules
  • Fill out the whitelist application here: Whitelist Application
  • Jump into our discord and mention @support in the lobby and get them to check over your application.
  • With this your application should be approved or, before this happens, you may be asked to correct any mistakes made during the application process.

With that the whitelisting procedure is complete, welcome to Shape The Cube!

Payment Methods We Accept Here.

The only payment we accept is PayPal. We may introduce more payment methods if needed. Please be sure to check out the Terms Of Service in regards to refunds and charge-backs, it's fairly simple.

  • We do not do refunds unless asked to by your banking institution or by request of a court order.
  • Charge-backs won't be tolerated, you will be banned from our network and further legal action may be taken to recover the costs.


Join us on Discord !  https://discord.gg/g7j5nveSdM

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